02.05.2024 | nathan griffith
The Lord is releasing a corporate revelation of man’s brokenness in this hour. (Revelation 5:2-3)
Even the “best” among us will be seen as the truly are.
It will be clear: There is no one worthy.
Not in heaven, on the Earth, of below the Earth. (Revelation 5:2-3)
This revelation will be extremely painful as it’s digested
and will lead to a deep mourning amongst the people of God. (Revelation 5:4)
True “Jesus People” will weep as hidden sin is revealed in the Church.
They will not rejoice. And they will not use the moment for their own gain.
They will feel it and they will weep. (Revelation 5:4)
But those who mourn will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)
And those who weep will see with clarity. (Revelation 5:5)
And a revelation of ‘Jesus, the Worthy One’ will ensue.
For He alone has conquered sin and grave.
And He alone is worthy to lead the Church through the end of the age. (Revelation 5:5)
prayer points:
1. pray for faith in jesus to endure as sin in leaders is exposed.
2. pray for leaders to cling to jesus in repentance and be restored.
3. pray for those experiencing deep heartache and pain to be comforted
by god and not by earthly solutions.
4. pray for the revelation of jesus to go forth in power to his church.
5. pray for the church to embrace jesus as their sole leader.