Pure & perfect theology is Jesus.
Theology isn’t stagnant; It’s a Person.
An unchanging Person, but a living, breathing, moving Person.
Theology isn’t just intellectual ideas nor traditions nor human wisdom.
Pure & perfect theology is the One who is the image of the invisible God and the exact imprint of His nature.
Theology is the Word made flesh and manifest to us…
the full revelation of God for human eyes to feast upon.
In the past, God spoke to us in many ways and many times by the prophets,
but in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son.
He has one message to us and it is purely and simply, “Son”.
If you want to hear from God, if you want to see God
- listen to the Son.
Look to the Son.
God perfectly and most profoundly reveals Himself by His Son (Hebrews 1, Colossians 1).
Jesus manifests the Father’s name perfectly (John 17).
Jesus is our theology.
In Jesus, all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden (Colossians 2).
In Jesus, is the fullness of the knowledge of God.
Jesus is the plan of redemption.
Jesus is the gospel.
Jesus is the power of the gospel to save, heal, and deliver creation.
Our ‘profound’ thinking, our ‘superior’ theologies and our ‘true’ denominations
aren’t what people are looking for and are not what lost souls will be truly saved by…
nor are these things That HE is looking for.
God, in his infinite wisdom, chose the foolish things that he might confound the wise.
He chose that which the world considers folly to save those who believe.
There’s a reason Paul CHOSE to preach one thing: Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
He determined to preach this one message again and again, knowing this one message alone
contains all salvation, true wisdom and the knowledge of God (1 Corinthians 1-2).
You see Paul preach this same sentiment in Philippians 3 as well.
There’s an emptying and humbling of selF
- a letting go of all past accomplishments and titles and degrees and accolades -
that we might know Him and experience the power of His resurrection fully.
The accomplishments and wisdom of men pale in comparison to humble dependence and the wisdom of God.
Paul didn't come with words of human wisdom,
but in demonstration and power - so we MUST decide to do also, as we abide -
so that people's faith (including our own) wouldn't rest in us and our wisdom,
but in the POWER of GOD... which is in the Person of God... who is the ONLY power to save.
There's simply no room to boast in ourselves and our theologies
if our theology is truly Jesus.
No man can boast...
the glory, honor, power, wisdom and salvation belongs to Him.
The glory of the gospel is HIM.
He must become our only theology,
our only power, our only boast.